Management and Intercultural Relations
Boosting smart specialization and encouraging Spinoffs in IT across Danube Region

Financing Programme: Interreg Danube Region Programme co-funded by the European Union.
Project priority: A more competitive and smarter Danube Region
Total Budget: EURO 2.419.000,00 €     Interreg Funds 1.935.200,00 €    Project duration: 01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026 (30 months)
Project's objectives
The project aims to support digitalization, smart specialization, and sustainable development in the region as a whole with focus on special niches of three pre-defined clusters: IT, I4.0 (Industry 4.0), and IT cross-sectoral collaboration. SpinIT strives to:
Connect less developed hubs with the most advanced ones and build links within the participating regions, ensuring greater interconnectivity of DR.
Create and engage businesses, academia, policy makers, the public sector and SMEs to connect them with start-ups.
Network and peer learning of the participating stakeholders (start-ups, academia, and policy makers).
Stimulate and connect local public and private stakeholders (regulators, policy makers, governments, innovation agencies).
For whom is SpinIT?
Innovation Intermediaries; Start-ups and SMEs; Academic Institutions and Researchers; Policymakers and Public Sector Entities
17 organisations from 10 countries
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Austria, Slovenia
ASPECT role: Scientific partner organisation 
Project website:
This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme co-funded by the European Union.

Improving urban climate change adaptation capacities by testing and promoting the ‘sponge city’ methodology on transnational level
Financing Programme:
Interreg Danube Region Programme co-funded by the European Union.

Project priority: A greener, low-carbon Danube Region
Total Budget: EURO 2.028.509,20 €     Interreg Funds 1.622.807,36 €    Project duration: 01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026 (30 months)
Project's objectives
The project aims to promote climate change adaptation capacities in the Danube Region and disaster management on transnational level in relation to environmental risks taking into account ecosystem-based approaches. SpongeCity strives to:
Spread the Sponge City concept in DR to cope with excess rainfall using a variety of techniques.
Mitigate/prevent urban floods by providing the area with the ability to naturally absorb the water and reduce the extent of impermeable surfaces and increases the amount of absorbent land: green surfaces, green walls, bioswales, innercity lakes, rain gardens, permeable pavements.
Analyse the hydro climatic characteristics and water management practices of 12 pilot settlements, sets up a toolbox to support the planning of sponge city measures, tests and promotes the tools by participative elaboration of local action plans, feasibility studies and demonstration investments.
For whom is SpongeCity?
Public Authorities; Sectoral Agencies; Higher education and research organisations; Infrastructure and service providers; Citizens
13 organisations from 11 countries
Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Slovenia,  Czech Republic, Bosna and Herzegovian, Moldova, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Romania
ASPECT role: Partner organisation 
Project website:
This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme co-funded by the European Union.

[ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-CSC-OG] - [Civil society cooperation in the field of Youth]


Effective participation of young women and girls is essential to building a healthy, inclusive and democratic society. This is especially true given the context of the decline in young people’s participation in conventional political processes. Young women and girls from disadvantaged groups have considerable potential for inuence in the public and political spheres, which can and should be enhanced through new, interactive forms and teaching methods. Young women are the least represented amongst political leadership. IPU data on youth participation in parliaments show that only 2.2 per cent of parliamentarians are under 30, and less than 1 per cent are young women.

The exclusion of young women from the adoption of laws, negotiation of budgets and mechanisms to hold governments to account undermines the valuable contributions they make for the good of future generations. Equality between women and men is one of the European Union’s founding values. In the last years it has been talked a lot about promoting equal economic independence for women and men, closing the gender pay gap, advanced gender balance in decision making, ending gender based violence and promoting gender equality beyond the EU. All equally important issues especially taking into consideration the lived realities of women all over member states.
The gender issue in Europe varies between countries but at the bottom line women are less present in the labour market than men. The gender employment gap stood at 11.7% in 2019, with 67.3 % of women across the EU being employed compared to 79% of men (EU27 data). The gender pay gap in the EU stands at 14.1% and has only changed minimally over the last decade. It means that women earn 14.1% on average less per hour than men. The reasons for the gender pay gap go beyond the simple issue of discrimination. They are a consequence of various inequalities women face in access to work, progression and rewards (Source: European commission webpage). According to the latest report by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the EU as a whole scored 68 points out of 100 in 2021. This marked an improvement of just 0.6 points over 2020, and just under 5 points in the past 11 years. "With gender equality inching forward by only one point every two years, it will take nearly three generations to achieve gender parity at the current pace," the report said.
We see a big need in our local community for higher empowerment and involvement of young women in the participation in democratic life, for more awareness and youth participation in EU actions, for more awareness of European policy agendas in youth (for example EU Youth Strategy including the European Youth Goals) and a need for a direct conversation between young people, in this case young women and public authorities that implement policies and reforms, especially in areas relevant for young people.
With the project we have commited to the EU parliament’s campaign # DondeEstánEllas with the intention of making visible women experts in European or international current affairs, counting the percentage of women experts participating in institutional debates and searching for possible difficulties that may have arisen from the participation of women, in parallel to an effort to avoid presentations in which only men participate.

The goal was (and continues to be) promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative supporting their communities, empowerment of young women and strengthening their key competences and basic skills. In the phase of inscription we have concluded a questionnaire directed to our direct target group (young women between 15-19 years) and among the questions we have asked them what kind of topics they would like to talk about, how they feel the formal educational system is supporting them in getting these answers etc. According to the results we have adjusted the topics and have received very positive feedback and outcomes. We have created 8 online classes, focusing on topics such as communication skills, digital skills, activism and how to get more involved in democratic life as a young person, European opportunities, political system in Spain, women in science etc. To each class we invited various experts and we followed the methodology where the experts would introduce the topic briefly and then actively include the participants in debates, giving them different tasks where they could put the theory.

Our first group of 15 future change makers have finished the course successfully, creating their own local projects that will generate a positive impact in their communities, and boost their involvement in different areas of public life. After the course some of them, thanks to the class we had on European opportunities, participated in youth exchanges offered by the Erasmus+ program and enrolled in Erasmus+ study exchange program. At the end of the project the participants visited Injuve where they met with the general director, María Teresa Pérez and David Lafuente (Deputy Director General for Internal and External Cooperation) where they could present their local project ideas, talk about the needs they have as a target group of Injuve and how they could be more involved in the decision making processes. The results in the form of a report of the project can be seen on this link: They also had an opportunity to share their opinions in the European Commission in Spain, where they met with Teresa Coutinho, Head of Education and Youth at the Office of the European Parliament in Spain, to talk about the project and the future of youth, European opportunities and how we see the role of youth in achieving the ODDS goals. Empowered by their active involvement and by meeting these influential people where they could talk and be heard, the first participants decided to start with a new online edition of Espolitica where they would, following the methodology of the first edition, continue with the project. The second edition organised by the first participants is starting in January, on a national level, focusing on topics, that them, as young women, find necessary and are often ignored in formal learning environments (sexual education, European opportunities, digital skills etc.).

In our impact strategy we put emphasis on 4 different target groups:

Participants in our activities, their families and friends. We aim to create a more inclusive, participative and active community of young people, encouraged to take part in activities and events by making them very interactive, interesting and relevant. Our goal is to raise awareness about European projects and initiatives where they can take part, learn new skills and improve their future labor opportunities. We aim to activate the youth and consequently their families and friends by actively including them in the civic society, to invite policy makers and influential people to events where the youth can express their opinion and be heard.

Local communities. We promote participation in activities and events and involve local communities as main characters of their personal and social development in the society. The local community can benefit from a more active, employable youth that has a space to learn, grow and participate in different extra scholar activities, creating a more emphatic, solidarity community with a good sense of others.

Organizations and institutions directly and indirectly involved. By creating a successful network on a local, regional, national and international level we create a community where we can exchange good practices, ideas, gain experience, volunteers and create a meaningful, solidarity, community, where we can raise awareness about different local, regional, national and international projects, promote the European values and be more active in the civic society.

Members of each organization involved, including youth workers, teachers and trainers. By participating in different national and international projects the members gain experience in learning in a diverse environment, which has a positive impact on their skills (management skills, communication skills, digital skills, graphic design etc.), learn new languages and overall improve their future employability. By learning new good practices and skills they can also improve their work in the organization/institution where they work.

We would like to thank you for honouring us with her presence H.E. President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at the final international conference in Malta and sharing her story with us. We admire what she is doing to help the children, as she has well said, the children are the future.
MOVEfwd - Moving Forward in Europe with Volunteering

Identifier: 625307-CITIZ-1-2020-1-HR-CITIZ-CIV 
Start Date: 01-03-2021
End Date: 31-08-2022
Duration in months: 18
Total Budget: 95760 €

Programme: EUROPE FOR CITIZENS, Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
Action: 2.3: Civil Society Projects
Lead partner: POU Varaždin, Croatia

• Red Cross for Varazdin County, Croatia
• Ljudska Univerza Ptuj, Slovenia
• Regional Development Agency Of Srem Ltd Ruma, Serbia
• Tourist Organisation Of The City Of Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
• PROGEU-Progress In European Union - Istituto Per Lo Sviluppo, Italy
• Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education, Bulgaria

As a result of COVID 19, civil society organisations (CSOs), public bodies/authorities, educators and citizens have had to reinvent themselves.  Promoting active citizenship and volunteering during these times has been especially challenging due to new restrictions on physical contact and movement. Due too many unknowns (i.e. infection), many citizens (incl. younger persons) think twice about volunteering. With this situation in mind, the project aims to enhance citizen engagement in volunteer based actions relating to civil protection, social inclusion, culture, education and employment. The project is organized as 1 preparatory meeting (in Varazdin, HR) and 5 3-day events in the partner countries (in HR, IT, RS, SI, BG). Each event will detail best practices showing how citizens (esp. youth) can engage as volunteers in actions that address issues that affect local development. The project activities are also designed so that the partners can gather opinions/inputs from citizens re: the Europe they want. Particular focus per event will be on how the concept of solidarity functions; how the new agenda for 2021-27 supports communities in overcoming COVID-19 (& other crises) and in their efforts to enhance civil society. Workshops, panel discussions, presentations, site visits, group work, and other methods will be used to encourage volunteering and enhance understanding about how solidarity in an EU context contributes to sustainable growth. The dissemination actions (incl. the volunteering guide) contributes to informing the wider public on how they can volunteer in actions and the benefits of applying EU values to community actions. The network agreement defines priorities & future actions for the partnership.  As a result of the project, Citizens will gain competencies to plan/manage & volunteer in actions during COVID (& other crises), and better understand how the EU agenda & values function in practice. In total, the project will include 318 participants.
Final project results and outcomes for the Europe for Citizens Project “MOVEfwd - Moving Forward in Europe with Volunteering“
Ref. no. - 625307-CITIZ-1-2020-1-HR-CITIZ-CIV
The project “MOVEfwd“ has been approved for a grant worth 95.760,00 EUR from the European Union via the Europe for Citizens Programme - Measure 2.3. Civil Society Projects. The project partnership covers 5 European countries (Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Italy and Bulgaria). The lead partner of the project is Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin - POU Varaždin (Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin), which is an adult learning institution of the City of Varazdin that is dedicated to enhancing education, creating employment and volunteer opportunities in the wider community, and building the knowledge and skills of citizens so that they match market needs. The specific partners on the project are:
Hrvatski Crveni kriz Zajednica udruga Drustvo Crvenog kriza Varaždin/The Red Cross Society of Varaždin County (Croatia)
Tourist Organisation of the City of Sremska Mitrovica (TO SM) located in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
Regional Development Agency of Srem Ltd. Ruma located in Ruma, Serbia
Ljudska Univerza Ptuj (LUP) located in Ptuj, Slovenia
PROGEU - Progress in European Union - Istituto per lo sviluppo (Italy)
Institute for Sustainable Business Development and Education located in Sofia, Bulgaria
The project started on March 1, 2021 and it ended on July 10, 2022.
The project aims to enhance citizen engagement in volunteer-based actions relating to civil protection, social inclusion, culture, education and employment. It takes into account specifically the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on civil society actions and volunteering in the wider community. As a result of COVID-19, civil society organisations (CSOs), public bodies/authorities, educators and citizens have had to reinvent themselves.  Promoting active citizenship and volunteering during these times has been especially challenging due to new restrictions on physical contact and movement. Due too many unknowns (e.g. infection), many citizens (incl. younger persons) think twice about volunteering. Each event and activity has been prepared in order to take this „new normal“ into account. Activities have been organized in a manner so that participants can learn how to organize volunteer-based actions in the times of COVID-19.
One preparatory event (activities) and five (5) 3-day events were organized in the project as follows:
Preparatory activities/event in Varazdin, HR - held from April 7th to April 8th, 2021
⦁ Focus
: to ensure that stakeholders (volunteers, representatives of public bodies & CSOs, educators, young persons & other citizens) are properly introduced to the project and how COVID-19 has impacted volunteer-based activities in their countries. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge via the opening presentations. The second part of the event was dedicated to project planning, specifically planning and implementing the main events of the project.
Event in Rome, Italy - held from May 6th to May 8th, 2021
⦁ Focus
: to raise awareness and understanding on the benefits of the EU agenda for younger persons and to enhance participants’ know-how on issues that have affected youth during the pandemic.
Event in Varazdin, Croatia (Main opening event hosted by the lead partner POU Varaždin - Held from June 28th - June 30th, 2021)
Focus: to show how education for young volunteers during COVID-19 was adjusted and improved during the pandemic. The other aim was to build citizens’ understanding on the importance of solidarity in the times of COVID-19..
Event in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia - held from August 25th  to August 27th, 2021
⦁ Focus
: to present how volunteers are playing a crucial role in ensuring that persons with disabilities and elderly persons continue to have access to essential services; and to show citizens how solidarity and volunteer work contributed to new innovations and civil protection in the Srem region of Serbia.
⦁ Event in Ptuj, Slovenia - held from  April 11th to April 13th, 2022
⦁ Focus:
to show how intergenerational solidarity functions in practice, and emphasize how it functions as a EU value. The event also focused on engaging citizens from different generations in democratic processes, and gathering opinions of youth on the Europe that they want in the future..
⦁ Final event in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from June 7th to June 9th, 2022
⦁ Focus
: to present educational initiatives and best practices connected to volunteers and show how their roles have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants learned how to converted learning goals into outcomes via “Design Thinking” in the times of COVID-19 and were able to discuss/debate about the necessary future skills and digital skills volunteers need.
In our to sustain cooperation and the results of this project, the partnership has concluded a network agreement which details future actions and activities after the project ends.
The following photos have been selected in order give you, the reader, a clear picture of how the activities per event were organized:
Pic 1: From the opening of the event in Varazdin; June 2022; held at Kino Gaj, Varazdin
Pic 2: Demonstration at Sremska Mitrovica beach, August 2021, conducted by the
Red Cross of Sremska Mitrovica to show how volunteers contribute to civil protection
Pic 3: Špajza modrosti in Ptuj, Slovenia; April 2022; a great example of how volunteers can
contribute to community growth
For further information on the project and its results, we encourage you to download the official project summary.
We also encourage you to download or view the materials that we have created in the project:
Volunteering guide in Bulgarian language.
The project film ( )
Volunteering quiz/survey ( )
The lead partner, POU Varaždin, has created a compilation of video clips related to the project (see ), and comments and testimonies are provided in Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Bulgarian and Italian. 
We hope that you can use our materials for your own projects focusing on volunteering, and we look forward to working together further to enhance volunteering in these challenging times.
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Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Video game for moral education and STEAM development

Video game for moral education and STEAM development (MORALSTEAM) - Erasmus+ project, that deals with a problem at schools, how to increase students' interest in STEAM items, educating universal values, necessary for successful further education, professional and social activity. The main goal of our project - to create effective open code tools for moral education and STEAM development for 10-14 y.o. pupils.

Moral education is often mistakenly considered only as a set of rules and regulations, and taught in schools unattractive and boring. Introduction of educational computer games can be a useful tool in promoting learning within the classroom. That give improvement in motivation to learn, and a positive technological transfer of the innovation tool. Computer game for moral education put learners in the role of decision-maker, pushing them through ever harder challenges, engaging the player in experimenting with different ways of learning and thinking.

During MORALSTEAM it will be created a video game - intellectual output, which would be reachable through the virtual platform (e-learning space).

During the game children will collect value - points, will solve moral dilemmas related to STEAM themes, have the opportunity to motive classmates, to ask a teacher a question. The merit of the game - adaptation in moral education lessons, in class time, in social education lessons, as well as in STEAM lessons (nature, mathematics, IT, arts, etc.)

The created video game have manuals - systematization of virtue ("Encyclopedia of value") and research information about pupils knowledge. "Encyclopedia of value" is a list of values with descriptions, adapted to the understanding of the pupils, valuable to teachers, help to prepare for lessons, collect interesting material for children. The material is structured based on the principles of spiral and concentricity. The material based on a children's research conducted in the 3 countries, according to the recommendations of pupils, teachers and researchers, i.e. based on a common European approach. The manual is innovative, versatile, adaptable in STEAM subject lessons, moral education and other lessons, as well as in classroom lessons, in non-formal education.

Research is applied to analyze knowledge and relevant moral dilemmas, that are universal for the pupils on each country of above mentioned age. Research results necessary for game content, and for measuring the changes of general competences of pupils.

The created video game is based on the STEAM themes (with facts, questions, pupils choice, etc.), which are structured according to most popular topics in partner country (great need/lack of relevant information, data, etc.), and will increase interest and pupils level of achievement in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

The video game and material available for everyone interested in 4 languages: Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Italian and English. There are 4 participants from 3 countries (Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy) in the project, working in different areas: organization of social projects for schools (association "PLANET ALIVE" - project coordinator, Lithuania partner), computer games creator (Tag of Joy JSC - Lithuania partner), science linked with human existence (ASPECT-MANAGEMENT AND INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS - Bulgaria partner), training center that strongly believes in and supports the innovation, modernization and internationalization of education (Erasmus Learning Academy - Italy partner). The partners interested in preaching of morals at schools also have different experience, useful for project accomplishment, total of 20 persons (scientists, programmers, project leaders, teachers, etc.).

There are 3 transnational meetings provided for project planning, analysis of activities and development. Research is planned during the project (2 questionnaire, 2 times pupils and teachers survey), executed in 3 countries (Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy), 9 associate partners schools, total of ~675 pupils and ~45 teachers. There are 3 conferences and 5 seminars/round table discussion planned for the project and created video game dissemination in all partner countries, in which will be invited interested institutions, which provides material/tools for educational institutions, department of education, delegate from associations (to help to disseminate, reviewers, users, etc.) The project includes 3 conferences and 5 seminars/"round table" discussions to disseminate the developed tools for school pedagogues. About 200 participants-teachers, parents and 2000 pupils will play this game during test and dissemination activities. Main expected results - very high level of participating students and teachers positive ratings of the game and methodical material, and very high level adaptation of students‘ moral dilemmas in everyday life.
Volunteering Management Expedition

ll around Europe, both at a national level and in European projects, education and volunteering professionals design every year an array of highly useful tools and methods for volunteer management. However, many of them are underused despite heavy dissemination efforts. At the same time, European volunteer managers and coordinators lack opportunities for professional development, as this consortium's prior project FUTUR3 has discovered.

The Volunteering Management Expedition (VolExpo) aims to improve the methodological competences of volunteer managers and coordinators (both paid and unpaid, i.e. volunteers) by collecting methods and tools that correspond to their skills needs from at least 9 European countries, sharing them during virtual 'expeditions'. i.e. webinars, web clinics and online discussions, testing them in partners' countries and selecting the most useful ones for translation.

The main objectives of the VolExpo project are:
1. To increase the managerial and supervision competences of European volunteer managers and coordinators on issues on which they have expressed future skills needs (4 skills groups: 1.managerial - project skills, time management etc.; 2. supervision - leadership coordinating people, conflict resolution etc.), 3. communication (including social media and ITs for volunteer management); 4. cooperation (with volunteers, colleagues, other organisations, media etc.).
2. To improve the volunteering experience for volunteers across Europe through their managers' increased competences; indirectly the project also aims at creating new learning opportunities for volunteers through improved management.
3. To make better use of existing tools and methods for volunteer management by selecting suitable ones for presentations and virtual workshops and translating/localising the ones most suitable for use in partners' countries.
Learning important digital skills / LIDS

Adult education is an essential component of the Commission's policy on lifelong learning.
The Council of the European Union "recognizes the key role that adult education can play in achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy, promoting social cohesion, providing citizens the skills necessary to find new jobs and helping Europe to better respond to the challenges of globalization "(Council conclusions 22 May 2008).

A recent international survey on adult skills reveals in fact that the results of Europe are worse than those of many of its competitors.
• One-fifth of adults in the EU have very low levels of literacy and numerical calculation, while a quarter are not able to use digital technologies effectively.
• So, one adult in four is lacking in the digital skills necessary for a satisfactory participation in social and economic life, as well as in everyday life.

In November 2011 the Council "The renewed European agenda for adult learning" (EAAL) was adopted by the Council which recognizes the need for all adults to regularly strengthen their personal and professional skills through flexible and high-quality learning at any time of life focusing on results. Therefore, we need training aimed at educators for effective adult integration.

The project aims are:
• Achievement of relevant and high-quality skills and competences
• Implement and transfer innovative practices at local, regional, national and European level
• Support positive and long-lasting effects on the participating organizations, systems and individuals directly and indirectly involved.
• Improve and expand the offer of personalized quality learning opportunities based on the needs of individual learners with low skills and less qualified in the digital environment through informal and nonformal learning.
• Provide everybody adult with the possibility of widening their competencies and developing their skills throughout life increased life quality for the individual and value creation and flexibility in working life.
• Train qualified educators who can help adults excluded or at risk of exclusion.
More info:
Be Your Boss! - European Connections 4 Entrepreneurship Development

The problem faced by the project is the difficulty of young graduates in humanities to find a job and the poor predisposition to create an entrepreneurial activity.
The target group tends to stay out of the labor market and cannot walk the entrepreneurial road for:
- lack of scientific-economic and IT skills;
- lack of entrepreneurial skills;
- distance from the world of entrepreneurship from that of education and training;
- lack of support from trade associations;
- absence of a specific national strategy on entrepreneurship education. In the absence of coordination and formal recognition, as well as dedicated funds, the initiatives are often entrusted to the will of the individual schools. The role of an innovative school manager and motivated teachers therefore becomes essential. Teachers are not always available to introduce entrepreneurship projects and, in the absence of adequate awareness and information, often exchange these projects with initiatives related to technical and management disciplines. Doing business is considered a course / project that ends with a vote or a result, rather than acquiring a new way of thinking or a key competence.
The specific objective is to provide support to young graduates (23-35 years) in humanities in the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills useful to encourage the creation of new businesses.
Needs identified:
• support of participants in training activities, use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, employability and participation in the European labor market;
• promotion of entrepreneurship education to develop active citizenship, employability and the creation of new businesses;
• development of interdisciplinary and international cooperation of organizations in different sectors;
• abatement of low-skills equilibrium, low level of skills in adults from southern Europe through the improvement of the key competences of the target group;
• strengthening relations between the subjects responsible for adult education and the world of entrepreneurs.
R.E.NewAL. SKILLS - Real Estate New Alternative Skills

Sector Skills Alliances in vocational education and training - Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices

Tackling skills gaps in Real Estate activities, with special regards to Facility Management and Workplace Management, for the development of innovative solutions inspired by Health & Wellbeing in workplace, in a perspective of convergence between Facility Management, Property Management and Asset Management.
Promoting new skills and competencies in Real Estate occupations, integrating the knowledge transfer on Health  & Wellbeing in the Vocational Education and Training of Real Estate Managers for the development of innovative solutions in Workplace Management.
A European VET Programme for  Real Estate Managers, integrating Health knowledge transfer for the development of innovative solutions in the workplace management, in a perspective of convergence between Facility Management, Property Management and Asset Management, for the promotion of new skills and competencies in Real Estate Occupations.
Erasmus + Programme - Call for proposals  - EACEA 04/2017
“Expertise: Exchange of practices to educate, recognise and train inclusive skills for employment”

“EXPERTISE: Exchange of practices to educate, recognise and train inclusive skills for employment” is a 24-month strategicpartnership at international level that will be implemented between the 01/09/2017 and the 31/08/2019 thanks to the support of the Key Action 2 of the European Commission and its Erasmus+ programme. This initiative aims to overcome the needs that trainers and educators of young people with fewer opportunities currently face to provide them those interpersonal skills and intrapersonal competences required to guarantee their social inclusion and facilitatetheir jump from the training and education field to the labour market.

The project will also make possible to test, improve and present the final product of EXPERTISE: a manual about the training of young people with fewer opportunities on interpersonal and intrapersonal skills to promote their social inclusion and facilitate their access to the labour market.
Future Skills for Volunteering

The consortium’s prior Erasmus+ project FUTUR3 has in its study identified 4 scenarios affecting voluntary and other third sector organisations: digital, growing inequality, loose communities and the status quo. With implications on skills needs, all these scenarios play a part in shaping the future. This trickles down to staff and volunteers alike, leaving both in a need to acquire skills to manage the future. This project focuses on volunteers in both formal and informal volunteering and acknowledges trends such as episodic and micro volunteering.
Following the European Year of Volunteers in 2011, the working group EYV Alliance made the following policy recommendations for volunteering: creating an enabling environment, enhancing quality, recognition of volunteering, and acknowledging its value ) At the same time,  the European Commission’s recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning (2012/C 398/01) calls on civil society actors like voluntary organisations to provide individuals with documentation of their informally acquired learning outcomes for validation. So far, these recommendations have been partially met, and set a challenge for the European third sector.
Through this project we can help realise these policy targets at both an individual and institutional level by taking a future-oriented approach. To do so, the “Future Skills for Volunteering” project shall:
- develop and test a design thinking based ( peer learning model to help volunteers acquire what are defined in this project as ‘future skills’
- design a tool for volunteers to observe and manage change in their everyday work using e.g. weak signal detection methods
- a future skills in volunteering skills concept with validation tools for the learning outcomes
- publish a publication ‘Future Skills Guide to Volunteering.
a new paradigm through IVET curricula innovation

To contribute to affirm the Social and Solidarity Economy in Europe through IVET curricula innovation of existing professional profiles (particularly in economics, management, financial and social fields) is the main outline of the project. The project aims to contribute to a more complete and inclusive training and professional development of new generations, integrating alternative socio-economic models and paradigms such as ESS in their framework of ideas and attitudes. The idea is that SSE becomes a familiar concept to new generations who will be entering the labour market.

Mapping opportunities and constraints
for affirming Social Solidarity Economy
(SSE) in Initial Vocational Education
and Training (IVET) curricula - more info

The main objective of the project is to promote close, well-defined and long-term partnerships between: organizations, adult education centres, environmental associations, local authorities and civil society cooperating on projects that promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. One example of such partnership is the creation of Destination Management Organization.
The transnational implementation of this project will enhance the exchange of knowledge, ideas and good practices for the adult education in activities which might be developed in the traditional settlements-villages, all over Europe, providing professional solutions to the relevant with this field jobs.
The objectives and targets set in European legislation are key drivers to improve the protection of the cultural heritage. Starting from the fact that culture is not static but it results as an output of mixing populations, the political evolutions worldwide and the issue of identities and differences motivates us to reclaim tradition as an active factor in the procedure of the identity designation.
Хлябът ни събира

Through this project ASPECT-MIR addresses the genuine need for a structured approach to systematic promotion of the values of volunteering and helps third-sector employers, employees and educational organizations that train professionals in the field to identify future skills needs in the sector and to prepare for them.
Here the third sector refers to civil society organizations like associations, NGOs, trusts or foundations that are non-profit. This project focuses on organizations with volunteering activities, and the main target group is professionals working with volunteers: volunteer managers, coordinators and so on.
As a partner we cover Peer learning concept for third-sector professionals, including training concept and materials, which will help volunteer managers and other professionals to identify skills gaps and needs, identify future needs and ways to address them, methods to encourage collaboration and joint capacity-building.

Visit our website:

Strategic Partnership projects as new opportunities for innovation in the youth field within Erasmus+: Youth in Action course was the outline of the training course organized by German National Agency Youth in Action, which take place in Bonn, Germany, on April 2016.
ASPECT-MIR took part in this training with an aim to increase competences for development of quality Strategic Partnership projects (within Key Action 2 of Erasmus+ Youth in Action), aiming for innovation in the field of youth, boost opportunities for the development of international Strategic Partnership projects and networks.

With the motto “Religion Could be Unifying’’ we start three years project (CoReVAX) to identify the common merits/values of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism in order to prevent racial segregation, xenophobia and related violence; and introduce the contributions of these values to universal culture, cultural pluralism and EU harmonization process.
We try to make a parallel between them, putting the human in the centre and showing that the moral messages the sacred writings have a universal character. The most important contribution to culture of living together and universal value can be managed with common religious values. Each religion exists to add meaning to the human life. It is not easy to bring about peace in social, political, and cultural domains without establishing the peace in religious field. The project aims to achieve result for the efforts on actual peace settlement and show the possibility of polishing off racism, xenophobia, and violence.
The International Symposium “Effects of Common Values on European Peace” as one of the major outputs of our Project will be organized on March, 25-26  2017, in Ankara, Turkey.
The symposium rules and more information for participation are published at .
The aim of this symposium is to analyze the racism and xenophobia, which has been on the ascendancy in a salient manner during the past quarter century, especially in our geography, as well as the factors that trigger them and offer solutions.
It further seeks to contribute to peace by extracting common values and verses related to racism and xenophobia from the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah, as the holy books of three leading divine religions with promises of peace, salvation, security, love, tolerance and enlightenment.
Visit our website:

Krasimira Bakardzhieva took part in the Study Visit 2014_253 in Berne, Switzerland, 05-09 May 2014, organized by CH-Foundation.
The Study Visit offered an overview of important features of recognizing learning achievements and acquisition of key competences in lessons and in practice.
Related processes and procedures and the responsible players and their roles and competence-oriented projects and learning methods in validation processes were also observed.  The visit highlighted the challenges of putting this into practice and participation in discussions with experts on education and the labour market.
Berne 2014

Together with our partner, EUROCONTO - Sofia, we have started realization of two year project designed to identify core and innovative learning and delivery components of a service/programme/community that best encourages, inspires, supports and enables successful start-ups and entrepreneurs through life-long learning relevant and desirable for employability, enterprise and collaboration.
STUPCOM Partners

Guidance for the evaluation system and an acquisition framework for the eight basic competences will be created for daily life and work. It will help stakeholders to better understand their own competences and systematically use them. This project is focussing especially in disadvantaged young people. The project involves partners from 5 European countries - Spain, Germany, Turkey, Cyprus and Bulgaria.

Visit our website:
Basic Competences
Guidance for Basic Competences
„Plasma and Nano for New Age “soft” conservation”/PANNA

A three-year European Collaborative Project coordinated by Veneto Nanotech (Italy) with partnership of Centre for Restoration of Art Works (Bulgaria) and 7 other partners from Italy, Germany and Belgium, started on 1st November 2011.
The project is elaborated to design a novel atmospheric plasma torch for surface cleaning and coating deposition, and to develop two innovative coatings: a self-diagnostic protective coating and an identification marker.
Role: External Financial Consultant and LEAR
Learning and facilitating techniques in professional life / Learnshop on learning
by doing/doing by learning

The role of the ‘facilitator’, a professional engaged in assisting people in learning processes through Action learning methods was the main outline in the learnshop organized by Team Srl - Genova, Italy, 26 February - 3 March 2012.
ASPECT-MIR took part in the learnshop projects  with an aim to enhance Action Learning techniques in Bulgaria and  help people learn most effectively when working on real-life problems occurring in their own workplaces.
Threads of Life connect in felt

The workshop was organized in partnership with the Omse e.V. - Dresden, Germany, 30 June - 07 July 2011.
Workshop offered an unique opportunity to join in culture and traditions of other participants using wool-an enjoyable learning experience in an informal and supportive atmosphere.
The workshop was also enhanced intercultural skills thanks to the exchanging of the traditions and background linked to each participants.
Increasing Adult Education

Krasimira Bakardzhieva took part in the Study Visit 2010_109 in Brussels, 22-26 November 2010, organized by Flemish Department of Education and Training.
The theme of the Study visit was the Flemish structure of adult education. This includes formal, non-formal and informal ways of lifelong learning. There was special focus on the consortium model demonstrates an efficient use of resources (staff, locations, courses) highlighting how effective communication and negotiation can improve the facilitation of adult education.
It generates an exchange of experience; good practice and learning tool between participating countries form Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Czech Republic and Bulgaria.
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